Miranda Bird is 3

Happy 3rd birthday to my little Bird!! I am nothing but honest most of the time...it's been a very average day. Challenging, fun, tiring, at times exasperating, at times touching & joyful. Very much a picture of life with Miranda Bird every day :o)

me & bird

Today I lost her at a playground that was just popping with kids & mayhem. It was just too much for me...she doesn't always remember our continual chat about "staying with mommy". I got to the point of near panic when I finally glimpsed her over by the baby swings, waiting for me to magically appear and give her a push (you'd think she'd have tried to find me too, but no...). Two minute time out later (and deep breaths from me) and everything was okay but this 2 kid thing is tough sometimes. Griffy was a spitting fountain and needed clothing changes, diaper changes, and nursing too. Maybe we're just not ready yet for busy places (not without one of those backpack leashes at least?!).

I've been squeezing in bits of baking and decorating all week - too much fun. Lanterns hanging from the trees, big painted "3" waiting to be put under the pergola, cheery red geraniums popping out of planters, and the strawberry "funfetti" cake waiting in the freezer for the big day. We also have someone from here coming for the party. It will probably be as much fun for me as Bird - you already knew that I'm sure ;o)

Tomorrow Griffy is 3 months old. Then Friday our Phylo dog is 6 years old. Then Saturday Jared and I celebrate 11 years of marriage. Sunday is the party - lots of celebrating around here, can't help but smile through the rough patches.

Hugs, Devon