Mater was telling the truth

This is a post just for Jared (so he'll stop bugging me)...

lightning mcqueen

"Mater was telling the truth!" That's what Bird's Lightning McQueen toy says among other slightly annoying but sorta cute sayings. But Jared pointed out that there isn't any scene in the Cars movie in which Mater would be telling the truth or not. So apparently this is a spoiler eh? In the new Cars movie there must be a situation with Mater being hung out to dry, where no one believes him. But now folks, a little toy car tells you the truth - that Mater was indeed telling the truth.

lightning mcqueen

There ya go babe ;o)

Stripey siblings sing about spiders

stripey siblings

It's finally summer here and we have great light again - yay! It's been fun to take pics of the kids together :o)

"The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout..."
stripey siblings

"Down came the rain and washed the spider out..."
stripey siblings

"No Mommy, no sing it!"
stripey siblings

"Out came the sun and dried up all the rain and the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again."
stripey siblings

stripey siblings

Hugs, Devon

Bird's Birthday Party

Bird's 3rd birthday party

We threw a party for Bird's 3rd birthday this past Sunday. The photo above is the "after" - I love it :o) She had just gotten up from her nap and was a crankypants (as usual after nap) but happened to throw a yawn in there in between whiny cries and I managed to catch it. I think it's my favorite shot from the day because it's pretty much how we all felt - bone tired but surrounded by all this fun party stuff so still feeling a bit of a high from it all.

Bird's 3rd birthday party

I made a "vintage" birthday cake from a clipping in an old cookbook we had from my family. I had this cake as a kid too :o) This is in process, right before the buttercream frosting and the coconut. The cake recipe was a cross between a funfetti and strawberry cake. We used fabulous organic strawberries from our farm. So delicious.

Bird's 3rd birthday party

In order to entertain 12+ kids without exhausting ourselves (and maybe to limit the amount of screaming and squabbles?) we called on Happily Ever Laughter and they sent over Faerie Violet who was an absolute doll and VERY much captured the attention of the kids, and all of us (including Phylo who thought her dog puppet was REAL and became a ball of excitement sniffing and nipping at it until we dragged him away - one of my favorite moments of the party...). Violet put on a cute interactive magic show then made balloon animals & flowers, then spent the rest of the party painting faces and arms - she was uber talented. Yay for faeries!

Bird's 3rd birthday party

I sewed Bird a simple "3" shirt which she was so proud to wear :o)

Bird's 3rd birthday party

Griffy has been on a difficult sleep streak...he's sleeping right now which is a relief. Too much excitement + a little cold + moving past 3mths and changing habits = tough times for sleep. I'm trying to figure this one out so we can have less drama during the day.

Bird's 3rd birthday party

I had too much fun decorating the backyard. It was so so so cute. We're leaving up a few things from the party because they look so fun. I'm somewhat concerned about leaving the sofa outside but will worry about that later.

Bird's 3rd birthday party

Indulgence. Cute shot of Griffy.

Bird's 3rd birthday party

Faerie Violet turning one of our guests into a dragon.

Bird's 3rd birthday party

Bird's bunny, with a carrot of course.

Bird's 3rd birthday party

The bunny cake!

Bird's 3rd birthday party

Can I tell you how happy Bird was to have so many people sing her happy birthday? It's like her favorite song, haha, and loves to have me sing it to her. At random times.

Bird's 3rd birthday party

I discovered the fun of mylar balloons - especially when they come in giant number form. I picked them up a few days ahead of time so Bird could play with them in the house. In fact, we tied them to one of our umbrellas and they're still floating.

Bird's 3rd birthday party

I have a good stock of paper lanterns from an art installation I did with a friend a few years ago. Many of them I painted with watercolor because I couldn't find colors I liked. I tied a bunch together and hung them from our avocado tree (well, Jared did - he had to climb the tree to do it). They'll be living there for the summer.

Bird's 3rd birthday party

Please ignore the garish rug under the cute picnic table. This is the table we built from Anna White's site. Jared built it with Bird's help ;o) Saturday morning and I painted it Saturday afternoon. It's a really fast and rewarding project and it's SOOO functional. Three kids can fit on either side, and adults can squeeze into it too. So happy we pulled it off for the party.

Bird's 3rd birthday party

Another "after" shot I love :o)

Bird's 3rd birthday party

I parked myself next to Jared and Griffin on the sofa (Bird was happily playing with her new automoblox) and snapped pictures from that perspective. It was fun to just hang out together and sort of do nothing at all.

Bird's 3rd birthday party

Bird's 3rd birthday party

Grocery list making, laundry washing, dishwasher emptying, paper filing, and dog walking is calling. Have a lovely Thursday!

Hugs, Devon

ps - most of the party pics were taken by my super talented friend Klay - check out her site to see all the neat things she's been up to.

11 years

I can't let the day slip by without acknowledging Jared's and my anniversary today - it's been 11 years!!

We've been busy all day preparing for Bird's birthday party, building, painting, planting, playing. I love parties, but all the more so for the motivation we get to pull things together around here. It's really a fun deadline.

picnic table in process

This morning (6:30am) Jared took Bird and Griffin and let me sleep a little longer. He then made cappuccinos, vacuumed (this helps Griffy fall asleep), got Bird breakfast and dressed for the day, then headed outside to start building the picnic table we wanted to have for kid's seating for the party. Is he not the most wonderful guy ever?? I feel so lucky to have found him (as seniors in high school no less), to have shared so many years and all the good & not so good times, and now to have our two beautiful kids together. Jared really is my rock - happy anniversary to you!

And the table is built...I put on two coats of the same yellow on my studio door. It's super lovely and quite happily, we big people fit (just barely) into the picnic table seats too.

Now for some sleep...happy weekend to you!

Hugs, Devon

Happy 6 to Phylo


Getting the short end of the stick here...running out of time & energy & minutes till needing to get Griffy up for last diaper changing/nursing for the evening (till hopefully 4am).

Our Phylo Bones Twinkletoes is 6 years old today :o) He came into our lives at 8mths old, a Cypriot (he's originally from Cyprus and found his way here with his siblings via some kind Americans).


My constant shadow, mind reader when it comes to any inkling of an idea regarding a walk (followed by some extreme harassment on his part), cozy spot seeker, sweet sweet furry boy and very flexible these days with all the new busy-ness in our lives. It's good he bugs me daily for walks - I need them as much as he does.

'Night all...

Happy 3 months Griffy

Griffin's one quarter of a year old...he's such a doll, growing way too fast we'd all say. Here he is hanging with dad :o)

Griffin & Jared

Griffin & Jared

Griffin & Jared

hugs, Devon

Miranda Bird is 3

Happy 3rd birthday to my little Bird!! I am nothing but honest most of the's been a very average day. Challenging, fun, tiring, at times exasperating, at times touching & joyful. Very much a picture of life with Miranda Bird every day :o)

me & bird

Today I lost her at a playground that was just popping with kids & mayhem. It was just too much for me...she doesn't always remember our continual chat about "staying with mommy". I got to the point of near panic when I finally glimpsed her over by the baby swings, waiting for me to magically appear and give her a push (you'd think she'd have tried to find me too, but no...). Two minute time out later (and deep breaths from me) and everything was okay but this 2 kid thing is tough sometimes. Griffy was a spitting fountain and needed clothing changes, diaper changes, and nursing too. Maybe we're just not ready yet for busy places (not without one of those backpack leashes at least?!).

I've been squeezing in bits of baking and decorating all week - too much fun. Lanterns hanging from the trees, big painted "3" waiting to be put under the pergola, cheery red geraniums popping out of planters, and the strawberry "funfetti" cake waiting in the freezer for the big day. We also have someone from here coming for the party. It will probably be as much fun for me as Bird - you already knew that I'm sure ;o)

Tomorrow Griffy is 3 months old. Then Friday our Phylo dog is 6 years old. Then Saturday Jared and I celebrate 11 years of marriage. Sunday is the party - lots of celebrating around here, can't help but smile through the rough patches.

Hugs, Devon

The fun stuff

Setting up for Bird's birthday party.

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At Ardenwood Farm

Currently riding the train woo hoo!

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How we start the day...

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Griffin is 2 months old

Griffin, 2 months old

Happy 2 months to Griffin (aka Griffy or Griffybear - I'm sure he'll love that one someday)!!

Griffin, 2 months old

I tried to post this yesterday but Blogger was down all day. Why??

And...he is currently getting really fidgety so this is going to be a shorty little post. Just wanted to share the cute pic and say Happy Weekend to you all.

Hugs, Devon

Made :: Griffin's Quilt

I could have titled this post: Things I made before life got really crazy. But I will be choose to be positive, haha. I'm spread a little thin today...too little sleep, a cranky and sick almost 3 year old, and an almost 2 month old who spit up nearly everything he ate today (twice). When I say spit up I don't mean your average spit up by the way. No sir. I'm talking quantity - splashing when it hits the floor and having to use thick baby blankets for burp cloths - this is life with little Griffy. I'll be happy when we're beyond this phase.

Quilt for our boy (any day...)
Quilt front

I had wanted to make a "real" quilt for some time and figured what better occasion than for Griffin's arrival. I love sewing but am not so great at it - working on that! But I know the basics of quilting and what I was looking for so in many ways it came together easily. I had a specific little stash of fabrics I'd picked up from Hart's over the months. I'm big on red, aqua, orange...and am happy to have most other colors come to play as well, just in smaller quantity. I also very much appreciate white as a background color.

Dark photo sorry - arranging fabrics on my felt wall

I cut 9"ish by 16"ish sized rectangles and sewed them together to make a generous crib size. It took one of Bird's naptimes. Then another naptime was spent cutting out the fabric for the back (LOVE the AMH flannels - so soft!) and the organic bamboo batting and basting it all together. I finished the quilting and binding the day after that. My kind of project - super quick and love the results. And Griffin is currently napping on it.

Quilt for our boy (any day...)
My hummingbird print from school days

A quilt for our boy (any day...)
Yummy mix of cotton & linen, backed in flannel

A quilt for our boy (any day...)
Happy with my first (super simple) quilt!

I will definitely keep quilting! It's super gratifying to make your own objects of cozy & color. Next time I may try something more technical and would of course love to use my own fabrics. Griffin's quilt has just one of mine - a screenprint of hummingbirds from my days at RISD.

Tummy sleeper on his quilt
Griffy approves

Have you tried quilting? What's the best part for you? Picking out fabrics? (mine is!)

Hugs, Devon

Home Improvement :: Vintage Train Rack

Happy (day after) Mama's Day! We enjoyed a homemade (by Jared) breakfast of cinnamon rolls and eggs and some mighty fine mimosas. I got in a little more gardening and a trip to lowe's for some fun additions into the yard (black jack dwarf fig tree for one). I took Griffin with me as Jared was trying to catch a little nap and Bird was taking hers. Unfortunately I had to walk around the store for 45 min to get Griffin to settle into the sling. Then I realized I had forgotten my phone. After picking up some plants I was ready to go but of course Griffy was peacefully sleeping and I had to stick him in the car again (just like his sister when she was a babe, he's not a fan of car rides). Thankfully no one missed me at home (do you feel naked w/o your phone? I sure do!).

vintage train rack

Jared managed to get our ebay find up on the wall in the kitchen. We really like it! It's a vintage train rack from the New South Wales Railway. We used to hang our pots on an adjacent wall and while they looked cool they were in the way and Jared often banged his shoulders against them while passing. I don't know why we didn't think of this spot before but it feels good and look, there's room for more pots! :o) Have to tell my parents...they got the other ones for us in France at a thrift store. We had so much fun at those thrift stores!

vintage train rack

vintage train rack, corner of the kitchen

Beep beep beep...!! Dinner's ready ~ time for the frenzy to begin. I've got to get Bird fed and bathed so I can feel good about leaving the kids with Jared while I jet out to Zumba :o)

Hugs, Devon

ps: this is what was waiting for me on the counter on Mother's Day. Such sweetness.

happy mama's day


May Garden

Come check out a bit of our garden!

It's totally blooming & not yet dried from the coming hot days. My descriptions are typed below the photos (is there a general rule on that?).

my May garden

Be still my these two took a couple years for the passionflower vines to meander over to the cecile brunner roses.

my May garden

Grow corn - it's fun! That's what everyone keeps telling me so I went ahead and am doing so this year. When does the fun start? Sorry, snarky tired comment, ha ;o) I'm assuming its in the speed at which corn grows and the reward of perfect sweet ears of corn to steam or grill then eat with butter & salt - yum!

my May garden

I may be in the minority but I'm loving this crazy mash of color and form!

my May garden

If you love purple this should really do it for you.

my May garden

This one really does it for me personally.

my May garden

New Zealand wind grass - wild and lovely!

my May garden

Left side of the front garden - we bucked neighborhood tradition and have no (mowable) grass. I assume we save on water as well as time. Though I'd love a little patch in the backyard. Maybe someday.

my May garden

Hot Lips salvia - dontcha love a name like that?

my May garden

Drowning in's a sickness. I love all my pretties.

my May garden

Sweet delicious flax - the backbone of the garden.

my May garden

Right side of the front garden. Yes, we live next to a pink and turquoise house. Jealous right?

my May garden

Bird's touch - pinwheel in the forsythia and daahlias.

Hope that was fun eye candy for any plant and flower lovers :o) Hoping to get more gardening on this weekend too.

Hugs and Happy Mother's Day to all you mamas out there!


Hanging out with Griffin...

TGIF....I've got next to zero energy but the day's not over yet. Hoping Bird will surprise me with rays of sunshine after waking from nap - wouldn't be typical! I'd love a glass of wine and a nap myself. I forgot to get a present for the birthday party we're going to tomorrow. Griffin is sleeping on my chest. There are birds singing in our orange tree. There's 17 bean stew and a ham bone simmering in the crock pot. I'm wearing my favorite skirt that Bird thinks is hers. I got my Cintiq tablet set up inside the house (holy crazy cables!) because it's too hard to get out to the studio. I have no motivation today to fire it up. That's what's floating around my brain. How are you on this lovely Friday? Plans for the weekend ?

Hugs, Devon

Spring planting

new plantings

It's 87 degrees today! Sooo lovely! I'm thrilled I didn't take the advice of many and went ahead and planted my tomatoes (and everything else) back in early April. I really only did so because I had a window of time...then got lucky we were done with cold nights. So much time in the ground so far means I'll have tomatoes by July instead of August (and cherry tomatoes much sooner).

Last weekend I put in corn, sugar snaps, a french melon, and lots of herbs like an especially beautiful pineapple sage - yum!

This past week I read a super inspiring post on Apartment Therapy that featured Amy Butler's home. She mentioned gardening is as much a passion for her as her design work. I happily feel the same way and am grateful for that since it's much easier these days to spend moments outside pulling weeds and planting heucheras than it is to hole up in my studio with my laptop and tablet. That time will come again...

Speaking of time - I have run out of it :o)

hugs, Devon

Bird's room WIP

Bird's room : WIP

I posted earlier that we've been working on Bird's room to prep for Griffin to share the space with her in a few months. If she could have it her way it would have been yesterday! Bird is convinced Griffin is her own personal baby.

I took a whirlwind trip to ikea with Grif in my ergo carrier (and Bird at home, whew!) and picked up a bookcase, art table and extra chair, and a few accessories like a clip on light and boxes for markers and crayons.

Bird's room : WIP

While I've really enjoyed the lilac/red/pink/orange color scheme of the room I've been fairly over it for last year. And it's pretty girly - I think a little too girly for a boygirl shared room. In my crazy schemes where I imagine I have hours and hours of time and very few responsibilities I would paint the room a light airy aqua shade and paint over certain parts of the mural - phasing out the lavender and bringing in more red, orange, and shades of aqua and celadon. We'll see what kind of baby Griffin turns out to be...maybe he'll be content to watch me paint? Ha...not getting my hopes up.

Bird's room : WIP

See that second piece of molding up there? Above the picture rail molding Jared mounted a train track and actually got his HO scale train to run on it! It's awesome and runs around the entire room.

Bird's room : WIP

Toys toys toys - Craig's List find (ikea piece) to hold it all.

Bird's room : WIP

Our new favorite place to do "everything" - the oilcloth is working out like a dream.

Bird's room : WIP

Windsee for Griffin that Bird immediately stole.

Hope you enjoyed the photo tour of Bird's space...this may be the final version of her room before it changes again in a few months. If there was nothing to alter, redo, tweak, etc - life would be boring :o)

Hugs, Devon


Easter Day
Bird's new activity table
Lots of things are happening around here...I can hardly keep up with everyone's needs and demands. I keep telling myself that this crazy chaotic time will pass and be a faded memory with mostly positive things coming to mind when we think back. For now it's moments of insanity - temper tantrums, keeping on top of nursing for Griffin and potty times for Bird - followed by moments of total quiet where Jared and I nearly forget we have an almost 3yr old and a 5 week old.

Over the weekend we started a spruce up of Bird's room (someday to be Griffin's room too). Out went the sofa, in went the crib (in sofa style). In came a bookcase (yes - storage!) and a nifty new activity table that I covered in polka dot oilcloth. We moved Bird's bed to a better spot. It's still a little awkward in there but it's a small space so compromise is a must. Next to come is painting over the lilac wall color with the same light aqua from our bedroom. I'm debating whether to paint the aqua around the mural, or just paint something new. I would love to paint a gorgeous and huge goldfish on the wall. Odd?

Easter Day
Bird loves her room and we're so excited seeing it come together. I've been learning what little people need in their spaces. Surfaces to do things on is imperative! And having a bookcase to hold items (especially books of course) on both the kid's level and also the parents' level. A cozy place to sit is also really nice - usually the bed works great for this but it's fun to have other options too.

Easter Day
naptime funsies

I found some great little containers at ikea (where just about everything else came from). They're perfect for crayons, markers, stickers, etc. They're fairly difficult to open which is comforting to me - this girl tends to get in lots of trouble at nap and bedtime. Note the green belly button.

hugs, Devon


Easter Day

Happy (belated) Easter to you! Hope yours was filled with chocolate bunnies and eggs and if you are a Christian a lovely reminder of Jesus' sacrifice for us. We didn't make it to church this year but found time to squeeze in some egg dyeing and after nap egg hunting. Gigi (my mom as called by Bird) sent some treats from Germany including the beautifully printed cardboard egg.

Easter Day
gold bunny

Bird has had WAY too much sugar for the past week and it's been showing in her behavior (or maybe it's that plus a delayed reaction to her baby brother??). In any case, we need to go cold turkey off the white stuff (myself included...).

Easter Day
this one took a little time to find
I hid eggs throughout the back yard and Bird totally enjoyed herself finding them all. I think I need to organize a real scavenger hunt with friends one of these days. They love it!

Easter Day

Bird actually loves hard boiled eggs :o)

Easter Day

The prize was the big gold bunny (lindt milk chocolate - yum!). We all (except Griffin who was sleeping soundly on the sofa) plunked down next to the wine barrel planters and shared pieces of it. Bird claimed the ears.

Hugs and Happy Easter!